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Dream Job Round 2

Standing in chapel in the midst of worship, with my eyes closed and my ears open, I listened to the 44 beautiful voices of our staff and students sing to the Creator of the universe. The song echoed throughout the room and in my heart, and a giant smile swept across my face as I marveled at my Savior, “Lord, THIS is my job?”

I get to live and worship amongst such an amazing and diverse group of people; people that come from various different backgrounds and cultures; people who are so certain of their faith and people who have no idea what they believe. It’s in these moments I’m reminded of how deep and far God’s love reaches. It is here I am reminded that He alone is transformer of hearts and how much He desires to save. I get to be a tool in His divine plan and I can’t ever seem to express how honored I feel to be a part of that.

I LOVE MY JOB. Not just here in Living and Learning, but as a follower of Christ. I get to live in community with others: raw, messy, imperfect, DEEP community. I get to press in when things get hard, instead of walking away. I get to see victory and brokenness and beauty because students trust me enough to invite me into their lives. I get to speak into the lives of others, and often times, allow God to use those very words to speak to my own heart. I get to work alongside a staff that I already deeply trust and have so much fun with. I get to live in a home with 10 incredible and incredibly different women and learn what unity looks like together. I get to sit in classes with students, practice healthy rhythms, and enjoy the sweet sweet culture of Ecuador. Once again, I find myself so in awe. God gives such great gifts and I am so thankful for this one!

First chapel of the semester with our students and staff

Our L&LI Staff

My house for the semester, Paxi Pals :)

Kendra, one of my dearest friends and co-worker for another year

Oliver, our guy RC for the year, so genuine and kind

Lo, so wise and fun, and already an incredible RC

Raylin, a ray of sunshine and another one of our RCs

Mika, a dear friend and a huge reason Ecuador feels like home

Bryan, the sassiest and kindest boss and amigo

Kelley, the most intentional mentor and boss

Loren and Janelle aka Ecua Mom and Dad

Chocolate and coffee tasting

Home-cooked meals and city views

Mitad del Mundo (Middle of the world)

Excited for round 2 of L&LI

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